
I don’t think many of you know it as it has been without a mooring buoy for a long time. They didn’t have time to restore it that after a few months an archaeological site was discovered in the vicinity and therefore prohibited from diving. We hope it will reopen soon because it is really worth a visit.
It is a site characterized by a beautiful landslide (for convenience in the map I have drawn only the most relevant boulders). It is located after the Church of San Giorgio, built overlooking the sea.

RED PATH (up to -25 mt)
After the pre-dive check, we will descend along the chain, keeping it only as a reference point, to the dead body at a depth of about -17 meters.
A series of rocks rise imposingly from the rocky bottom.
Turning our gaze towards the open sea we will begin to fin in the SOUTH-EAST direction reaching the depth of -30 meters passing between one boulder and the other, illuminating the various cracks with the torch in search of octopuses, moray eels, lobsters and maybe a nice small-spotted catshark!.  Continuing to fin with the Promontory on our left towards EAST, we will gradually ascend to a depth of -18 meters where in front of us there is an easy passage similar to a natural door. After crossing it we will go up to about -12 meters where we will be able to fin around other large boulders that are near the promontory and heading towards the WEST wall on our right we will return to the boat. Once near the buoy we will make our stop of 3 mn at -5 m.
Along the way we will see large brown groupers, snappers in hunting, shoals of white bream, corvine, barracudas that whiz in pursuit of damselfish and in the autumn period if we turn our gaze into the blue it will also be possible to admire the passage of tunas and amberjacks.

GREEN PATH (up to -18 mt)
After the pre-dive check we will descend near the chain. Once we reach the dead body at about -17 meters we will start the path by swimming with the wall on the left around the large boulders scattered everywhere. At -18 meters, continuing to swim with the Promontory on our left, in front of us there will be an easy passage similar to a natural door. After crossing it we will go up to about -12 meters where we will be able to fin around other large boulders that are located near the Promontory. Heading WEST with the wall on our right we will return to the boat. Near the buoy we will make our stop of 3 mn at -5 m.
Along the way we will see large brown groupers, snappers hunting, shoals of white breams, black crows, barracudas whizzing in pursuit of damselfish. In the autumn period, if we turn our gaze to the blue, it will also be possible to admire the passage of tunas and amberjacks.

Cecilia Luconi[/bsf-info-box]

Underwater landscape Landslide
Average depth 27 mt.
Visibility Fairly good
Current Absent
Marine Environment red coral, sponges, madrepores
Marine Life saleps, black crows, groupers, moray eels, lobsters, white breams